Service Learning - Learning through engagement

What is Service Learning? 

Service learning (learning through engagement) is a form of teaching and learning that combines subject-specific learning in the classroom with social engagement. Service learning was established at US universities in the 1980s. Service learning is also being implemented at more and more German universities.

Service learning is characterized by two main components:

Learning & service-component

The learning component:

  • Within the framework of a course, the theoretical foundations of a topic are scientifically prepared. In addition, the experiences from the "engagement phase" are reflected and summarized.

The service component:

  • Students apply what they have learned in practical projects with partners from the non-profit sector.

These two components are essential parts of the curriculum and well balanced

In terms of definition, service learning should be distinguished from community service and a job-specific internship, as the learning component is missing in the former and the service idea in the latter. Service learning on the other hand links learning and service (Bartsch & Grottker, 2018).

Who benefits from Service Learning?


  • Earning ECTS points and a certificate for your engagement
  • In-depth learning through practical projects and putting one's own knowledge into practice
  • Expansion of your own subject, methodological and social competences
  • Improvement of professional orientation
  • Awareness of socio-political problems and issues


  • Increasing the attractiveness and quality of teaching
  • Testing of innovative teaching concepts
  • Impulses for new fields of research
  • Development of new interaction with students
  • Networking with civil society project partners


  • Profile building in the area of transfer by linking academic teaching and practice
  • Networking with actors from civil society
  • Developing ideas in research and teaching
  • Assumption of social responsibility and better anchoring in society

Non-profit partners

  • Solving real problems through student engagement and support
  • Building networks and cooperation with the university
  • Integrating impulses from science into one's own field of work
  • Getting to know potential employees

Quality standards

  • Common goals: Service Learning is connectable and compatible with the goals of all stakeholders.
  • Real need: The commitment of students correlates with a real need in society.
  • Curricular anchoring: Service Learning is part of the university curriculum.
  • Reflection: There is regular and professionally guided reflection by the students on what they have learned.
  • Student participation: Students are actively involved in the planning, preparation and design of the project.
  • Recognition: The students' commitment is recognized with a certificate.


  1. Altenschmidt, K. & Miller, J. (2016). Service Learning – Ein Konzept für die dritte Mission. Die Hochschule: Journal für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 25 (2016) 1, S. 40-51, [30.06.2020]
  2. Baltes, A. M.; Hofer, M. & Sliwka, A. (Hrsg.) (2007). Studierende übernehmen Verantwortung. Service Learning an deutschen Universitäten. Weinheim & Basel.
  3. Bartsch, G. & Grottker, L. (2018). Do it! Das Programm für gesellschaftliches Engagement von Hochschulen. [24.06.2020].


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Derek Kwella

Koordinatorin Service Learning

Quantiusstraße 4

53113 Bonn

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